Table des matières  Aide en ligne MOBOTIX

Image Analysis Events

The Image Analysis Events dialog contains all event sensors that can trigger a camera action based on the results of an image analysis function.

Using Meta Events to Avoid False Alarms


In order to filter events, the camera provides an Event Logic: This dialog allows linking events to create logic events only if the linked events occur in a certain sequence and within the specified time frame. Another possibility to filter events is the Event Counter: It creates an event only if a certain number of events occurs within the specified time frame.

General Settings



Copy Window Definitions

If this option is activated, all window definitions (for Video Motion Detection and MxActivitySensor) will be used on both image sensors. This option is only available on Day/Night models.

Dual Lens Analysis

Activating this option will detect video motion on both image sensors (regardless of which sensor is actually shown on the Live screen). Note that using this option may reduce the maximum frame rate. An image analysis window that has been defined for the left image sensor will still be active, even if you only see the image from the right lens of the camera. This means that the camera will react on events detected on the left (invisible) image sensor. This option is only available on Dual models.

Event Dead Time

The event dead time defines a period of time (0..3600 s) after an event, during which no new events from the same profile are recognized.

By defining an event dead time you can avoid, for example, that a complex action (person walks through the active image area) triggers multiple events.

Description of Event Sensor Types

Event Sensor Type


Video Motion Detection

The Video Motion Detection reacts to movements in certain image areas, called "video motion windows". You can define one or more independent video motion windows for each image sensor (camera lens).

Open the Video Motion Detection help page for a detailed description of the parameters and application examples of this sensor.


The MxActivitySensor reacts to continuous movements in specific, freely definable image areas. You can define one or more independent of these analysis windows for every image sensor (i.e. camera lens).

Open the MxActivitySensor help page for a detailed description of the parameters and application examples of this sensor.

Behavioral Detection

Behavioral detection is an extension to MxAnalytics. The sensor reacts according to different behavior profiles of the objects tracked in the image.

Open the Behavioral Detection help page for a detailed description of the parameters and application examples of this sensor.

Sauvegarder la configuration

Cliquez sur le bouton Définirpour activer les paramètres et les sauvegarder jusqu'au prochain démarrage de la caméra.

Cliquez sur le bouton Config. usine pour réinitialiser tous les paramètres de cette boîte de dialogue selon la configuration initiale (ce bouton n'est peut-être pas disponible pour toutes les boîtes de dialogue).

Cliquez sur le bouton Restaurer pour annuler les dernières modifications qui n'ont pas été enregistrées définitivement dans la caméra.

Cliquer sur le bouton Fermer pour fermer la boîte de dialogue. Lors de la fermeture de la boîte de dialogue, le système vérifie si les paramètres ont été modifiés. Si tel est le cas, le programme vous demande si vous souhaitez enregistrer ou non de façon permanente la configuration globale.

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