Table des matières  Aide en ligne MOBOTIX

Internal Events

The Internal Events dialog contains all event sensors that can trigger a camera action based on internal state changes.

Using Meta Events to Avoid False Alarms

In order to filter events, the camera provides an Event Logic: This dialog allows linking events to create logic events only if the linked events occur in a certain sequence and within the specified time frame. Another possibility to filter events is the Event Counter: It creates an event only if a certain number of events occurs within the specified time frame.

General Settings



Event Dead Time

The event dead time defines a period of time (0..3600 s) after an event, during which no new events from the same profile are recognized.

By defining an event dead time you can avoid, for example, that a complex action (person walks through the active image area) triggers multiple events.

Description of Event Sensor Types

Event Sensor Type


Action Group Termination

Triggers an event if an Action Group finishes execution.

You can define your own action groups.

The camera can trigger an event depending on the result of the selected action group.

Select one of the following options:

  • Failed

  • Successful

  • Aborted

Door Station

Triggers an event if a door station incident occurs.

Select one of the following events:

  • Bell: Failed

  • Bell: Ringing

  • Door: Wrong PIN

  • Door: Wrong RFID

  • Door: Correct PIN

  • Door: Correct RFID

  • Mailbox: Message Begin

  • Mailbox: Message End

Custom Signal State

The camera can trigger an internal event if the state of a custom signal changes or has a specific state.

Select one of the following custom signals:

  • CS1

  • CS2

  • CS3

  • CS4

  • CS5

  • CSL

Select one of the following statuses:

  • On

  • Off

  • Off → On

  • On → Off


Triggers an event if the current state of recording changes.

Select one of the following options:

  • Recording is started

  • Recording is stopped

  • History image is recorded

  • Recording is terminated

GPS Status

Triggers an event if the reception quality of an MX-GPS-Box changes if such a box is attached to the camera.

The camera can evaluate the following GPS flags:

  • Time: Valid if time has been synchronized successfully.

  • Position: Valid if a basic position fix is available.

  • Height: Valid if a full position fix is available.

You can use the following trigger conditions:

  • Valid

  • Invalid

  • Becomes Valid

  • Becomes Invalid

Sauvegarder la configuration

Cliquez sur le bouton Définirpour activer les paramètres et les sauvegarder jusqu'au prochain démarrage de la caméra.

Cliquez sur le bouton Config. usine pour réinitialiser tous les paramètres de cette boîte de dialogue selon la configuration initiale (ce bouton n'est peut-être pas disponible pour toutes les boîtes de dialogue).

Cliquez sur le bouton Restaurer pour annuler les dernières modifications qui n'ont pas été enregistrées définitivement dans la caméra.

Cliquer sur le bouton Fermer pour fermer la boîte de dialogue. Lors de la fermeture de la boîte de dialogue, le système vérifie si les paramètres ont été modifiés. Si tel est le cas, le programme vous demande si vous souhaitez enregistrer ou non de façon permanente la configuration globale.

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