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Thermal Spotmeter

The thermal spotmeter can trigger events based on the measured temperature. The measurement area covers the four pixels at the center of the image.

Important Note

The temperature of objects in the image as determined by the thermal sensors is influenced mostly by the following factors:

This means that the sensor can deliver different temperature values depending on the distance to the object and the current scene. In order to define events that are based on temperature trigger values, you first need to determine the current temperature values measured in the scene. To do so, you can use the variables $(SEN.TSR.CELSIUS) and $(SEN.TSR.FAHRENHEIT) for the right sensor or $(SEN.TSL.CELSIUS) and $(SEN.TSL.FAHRENHEIT) for the left sensor. The determined values can then be used to set the trigger value defined below.

General Settings of the Thermal Spotmeter

Show Crosshairs

In order to exactly point the sensor to the object you want to measure, the camera can display crosshairs in the live image. The circle at the center of the crosshairs shows the four pixels that are used for measuring.

Temperature Unit

Show the temperatures either in degrees Centigrade (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).

Trigger Values

Enter the temperature value that is used to trigger an event when it exceeds or when it drops below the value (depending on the setting of the Comparison parameter, see below).


Select between triggering the event when it exceeds or when it drops below the specified trigger value.

Action Type

Define how often the event is to be triggered:

Sauvegarder la configuration

Cliquez sur le bouton Définirpour activer les paramètres et les sauvegarder jusqu'au prochain démarrage de la caméra.

Cliquez sur le bouton Config. usine pour réinitialiser tous les paramètres de cette boîte de dialogue selon la configuration initiale (ce bouton n'est peut-être pas disponible pour toutes les boîtes de dialogue).

Cliquez sur le bouton Restaurer pour annuler les dernières modifications qui n'ont pas été enregistrées définitivement dans la caméra.

Cliquer sur le bouton Fermer pour fermer la boîte de dialogue. Lors de la fermeture de la boîte de dialogue, le système vérifie si les paramètres ont été modifiés. Si tel est le cas, le programme vous demande si vous souhaitez enregistrer ou non de façon permanente la configuration globale.

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